Cover and inside spread ‘Eye Magazine’.

Design Magazine Eye Association

The design and development of an accessible magazine for the Eye Association Netherlands (Oogvereniging), including the layout per number. Furthermore, the design of advertisements, newsletters (also digital, as accessible PDF), exhibition stand and website.

A member of the test panel uses a reading magnifier to judge the typografie.

During the development of the magazine, we tested and evaluated the accessibility and readability of the design by members of the Eye Association. The test panel consisted of people with various eye conditions. The typography, use of colour, layout, contrast and also the use of photography and illustrations were examined extensively. We managed the design and layout of each issue (six per year) for four years.

Cover first issue: an ophthalmologist holds a magnifying glass in front of his eye.
Homepage website Eye Association.

Website design, in collaboration with an external developer and an UX specialist.